We showcase shops which provide more value to customers which means most of the time shops offering 30% off of their retail would be higher than shops offering 5% off. We also factor in scans at your shop, product selection, reviews, new card signups, and other tracking methods to provide the best expierence for the user.
We do not charge any fees to use this service, or to list your shop.
One of the core reasons why we developed the digital cannabis card was to be able to support secure delivery requests. We immediately saw the need for a secure delivery service that could be trusted by both the customer and the shop. For the customer we wanted to protect the customers data from the shop, and for the shop we wanted to protect the shop from false order requests or risks of underage customers.
As a participating shop we verify that your shop has a valid license, and that you are able to sell products. We then provide you with a secure delivery request system that allows you to accept or deny orders. We are happy to say that we do not charge a commission, or markup but we do expect your shop to pass on the savings to the customer which will promote delivery requests.
Clinics which are licensed, and have licensed medical professionals can issue cards to patients. We provide a secure system that allows clinics to issue cards, and to verify the validity of cards.
We offer this service for free to clinics, and we do not charge any fees to issue cards as long as the clinics provide a proper consultation.
If a clinic already has a system in place to issue cards we can provide an API to allow the clinic to issue cards through their own system depending on the patient volume.
Yes, we support government providers, and we are happy to work with any government agency to provide a secure system to issue cards, or verify patient information. We also support hospitals, and clinics which are licensed to issue cards.
Dispensaries can contact us at: and @weedth on LINE
Hosptials can contact us at:
Clinics can contact us at:
Government agencies can contact us at:
Card holders, and potential card holders can contact us at:
You can report errors, or any issues at: